Biryani Masala

November 21, 2023

Ingredients:Chilli, Garlic, Cinnamon, Ginger, Coriander, Sodium chloride, Aniseed, Cumin, Black pepper, Bay leaf, Cardamom, Mace, Caraway, Nutmeg, Clove, Food grade flavor.
Wash meat properly and remove water from it. Fry chopped onion with 10 tablespoons oil until it gets brown. Mix with sugar 1/3 parts (one-third) of fried chopped onions when the onions get cool. In the rest of the fried onion add meat, yoghurt, 1 cup of milk, and Biryani Masala required salt, and fry it for 10-15 minutes on medium flame. Peel and cut the potato into large sizes and mix it with a little bit of salt. Fry potatoes properly in 1 tablespoon oil until boiled properly. Wash rice and sieve it to remove water.